Results for 'Rodolfo Alpízar Castillo'

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  1.  36
    Televisión: la quiebra del sentido.Emili Prado, José A. Martínez Soler, Fernando Sáez Vacas, Giuseppe Richeri, Rodolfo Alpízar Castillo, José Ignacio Armentia Vizuete, Juan Manuel Fernández, Armand Mattelart, Santiago Ripoll Carulla & Carlos M. Romeo Casabona - 1994 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 37.
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  2. Apuntes para la historia de la lingüística en Cuba.Rodolfo Alpízar Castillo - 1989 - La Habana: Editorial de Ciencias Sociales.
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  3. Rodolfo Mondolfo: su pensamiento filosófico histórico y social.Rodolfo Mondolfo & Luis Farré - 1984 - Buenos Aires: Instituto de Intercambio Cultural y Científico Argentino-Israelí. Edited by Luis Farré.
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    El escultor Ernesto Cardenal.Julio Valle-Castillo - 2007 - Polis 17.
    El autor ofrece un análisis de la obra escultórica de quien conocemos principalmente como poeta, Ernesto Cardenal, presentándolo como un escultor representativo, que ha desarrollado las temáticas de la religiosidad, y la fauna y flora de América, permitiendo que confluyan en él las culturas primitivas y el arte moderno. Afirma Valle-Castillo que el trabajo de Cardenal ha llevado la escultura a una expresión de lo esencial, a partir de la contemplación, de la conciencia, y de un estudio largo y (...)
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  5. Origen, espacio y niveles de participación ciudadana (Origin, space and levels of participation).A. Guillen, K. Sáenz, M. H. Badii & J. Castillo - 2009 - Daena 4 (1):179-193.
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  6. Simulacion de la distorsion durante el tratamiento termico de Temple en piezas de Acero utilizadas en la industria automotriz.Miguel Angel Neri Flores, Hector Castillo Espinosa & Antonino Perez Hernandez - 2008 - Scientia 14.
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    Limiting Factors Impacting on Voluntary First Person Informed Consent in the Philippines.Fatima Alvarez Castillo - 2002 - Developing World Bioethics 2 (1):21-27.
    How well can institutional guidelines help ensure the dignity, rights, safety and well being of research participants in an underdeveloped country? In this paper I describe the limits of informed consent as an instrument for the protection of participants in the context of the Philippines. I bring to this paper my experiences as an advocate of rights, a member of an ethics review board, a researcher on the ethics of research and as an observer of the dynamics of clinical practice (...)
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    The Caribbean Space in Rastro de sal by Arabella Salaverry.Diana Martínez Alpízar - 2023 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (32):125-144.
    El presente trabajo analiza la construcción del espacio caribeño en la novela Rastro de sal de la escritora costarricense Arabella Salaverry. Este espacio se aborda desde dos perspectivas específicas: una, vinculada con la representación general del espacio caribeño. Este análisis se centra en tres relaciones concretas: conectividad/aislamiento, naturaleza/cultura, centro/periferia. La segunda perspectiva se interesa más bien en los espacios domésticos y su interacción con los personajes femeninos, a partir de las relaciones libertad/prisión e interior/exterior. Se concluye que, en Rastro de (...)
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  9. Kant y Habermas. Reflexiones sobre la razón política.Iván Villalobos Alpízar - 2005 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 43 (108):167-172.
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    Legend and reality in the phrase "Not even the Chinese doctor can save him".Lourdes Bárbara Alpizar Caballero - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (3):604-619.
    RESUMEN El presente trabajo de revisión expone cómo las prácticas de gestión en la anestesiología deben ser modificadas para encarar las cambiantes necesidades de pacientes, otros profesionales y sistemas sanitarios, a fin de mantener una función significativa en la atención sanitaria. Los servicios de anestesia han adoptado una amplia variedad de modelos para hacer frente a las necesidades del medio local, la relación entre los anestesiólogos y la comunidad, y los papeles desempeñados por los anestesiólogos en el tratamiento perioperatorio. El (...)
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  11. La noción de intertextualidad en Kristeva y Barthes.Iván Villalobos Alpízar - 2003 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 41 (103):137-146.
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    La logica deontica di Georges Kalinowski.Rodolfo Bozzi - 1984 - Napoli: Jovene.
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    Undecidability and the Problem of Outcomes in Quantum Measurements.Rodolfo Gambini, Luis Pedro García Pintos & Jorge Pullin - 2009 - Foundations of Physics 40 (1):93-115.
    We argue that it is fundamentally impossible to recover information about quantum superpositions when a quantum system has interacted with a sufficiently large number of degrees of freedom of the environment. This is due to the fact that gravity imposes fundamental limitations on how accurate measurements can be. This leads to the notion of undecidability: there is no way to tell, due to fundamental limitations, if a quantum system evolved unitarily or suffered wavefunction collapse. This in turn provides a solution (...)
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  14.  5
    Tra teoria sociale e filosofia politica: Rodolfo Mondolfo, interprete della coscienza moderna : scritti, 1903-1931.Rodolfo Mondolfo & Rita Medici - 1991 - Clueb.
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    L'infinito nel pensiero dell'antichità classica.Rodolfo Mondolfo - 2012 - La Nuova Italia.
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  16.  16
    Confines of Democracy: Essays on the Philosophy of Richard J. Bernstein.Ramón del Castillo, Ángel M. Faerna & Larry A. Hickman (eds.) - 2015 - Boston: Brill | Rodopi.
    _Confines of Democracy_ is a collection of critical assessments and interpretations of Richard J. Bernstein’s extensive and illuminating work on pragmatism, epistemology, hermeneutics, and social and political theory, including Bernstein’s replies to the contributors.
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  17.  25
    Testing and unpacking the effects of digital fake news: on presidential candidate evaluations and voter support.Rodolfo Leyva & Charlie Beckett - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (4):969-980.
    There is growing worldwide concern that the rampant spread of digital fake news via new media technologies is detrimentally impacting Democratic elections. However, the actual influence of this recent Internet phenomenon on electoral decisions has not been directly examined. Accordingly, this study tested the effects of attention to DFN on readers’ Presidential candidate preferences via an experimental web-survey administered to a cross-sectional American sample. Results showed no main effect of exposure to DFN on participants’ candidate evaluations or vote choice. However, (...)
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  18.  29
    Jürgen Habermas. Baedeker de su propuesta jurídica.Rodolfo Moreno Cruz - forthcoming - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho.
    Habermas ha elaborado una teoría jurídica a partir de su filosofía de acción comunicativa. Sin alejarse de los fundamentos tradicionales que sustentan al Estado democrático de derecho, ha innovado una posición de legitimación al derecho y a su ejercicio, incluso ofrece nuevas herramientas conceptuales para la función judicial, como es el caso de lo que podría llamarse la adecuación que sustituye a la conocida propuesta de la ponderación de los derechos. El presente artículo pretende servir de guía para adentrase en (...)
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    Towards a cognitive-sociological theory of subjectivity and habitus formation in neoliberal societies.Rodolfo Leyva - 2019 - European Journal of Social Theory 22 (2):250-271.
    Disconcerting findings from nascent sociological research suggest that Western youth are developing subjectivities that reflect neoliberal discursive formations of self-interest, competitiveness, and materialism. However, propositions about: (1) the cognitive-affective mechanisms that explain how youth acquire and reproduce neoliberal ideology, or (2) the dispositions and behaviours that typify a neoliberal subject, remain vague. Therefore, this article provides a novel conceptualization of these two psychosocial facets that can help advance understandings and investigations of the emerging modes and societal consequences of neoliberal subjectification, (...)
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  20.  24
    State-Anxiety and Academic Burnout Regarding University Access Selective Examinations in Spain During and After the COVID-19 Lockdown.Antonio Fernández-Castillo - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Coping with assessment tests are known to generate anxiety frequently in the students who face them. In academic circumstances with the continued presence of emotional disturbance, high demand, and stress, emotional and physical fatigue, typical of burnout syndrome, and can be detected. Anxiety and burnout are related to each other and even more closely in high-stakes tests. One of these tests is the examination imposed in Spain for access to the university. The objective of this work is to analyze the (...)
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  21.  18
    Evidence of Plato and Aristotle Relating to the Ekpyrosis in Heraclitus.Rodolfo Mondolfo & D. J. Allan - 1958 - Phronesis 3 (2):75 - 82.
  22.  14
    Cultura nacional y Filosofía de la Historia en América Latina.Rodolfo Mario Agoglia - 1981 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 8:231-242.
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    La idea de identidad nacional en América Latina.Rodolfo Mario Agoglia - 1983 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 10:265-278.
  24.  12
    Before the “Black Box”: The Inputs and Outputs of Nineteenth-century Deep-sea Science.Rodolfo John Alaniz - 2020 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 45 (4):596-617.
    Nineteenth-century investigations of the deep sea provide a case study for black box science. Naturalists were forced to theorize about a space for which they had no direct sensory observations. This study traces the emergence of bathymetry and deep-sea biology and then analyzes how men of science dealt with the uncertainty associated with their black box practices. I argue that these investigators created multiple types of black boxes based on their uncertainties and that these black boxes did not operate equivalently. (...)
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  25. La concepción freudiana del sueño.Iván. Villalobos Alpízar - 2002 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 40 (100):77-86.
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    On Some Compatible Operations on Heyting Algebras.Rodolfo Ertola Biraben & Hernán San Martín - 2011 - Studia Logica 98 (3):331-345.
    We study some operations that may be defined using the minimum operator in the context of a Heyting algebra. Our motivation comes from the fact that 1) already known compatible operations, such as the successor by Kuznetsov, the minimum dense by Smetanich and the operation G by Gabbay may be defined in this way, though almost never explicitly noted in the literature; 2) defining operations in this way is equivalent, from a logical point of view, to two clauses, one corresponding (...)
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  27. Univocidad de la razón, uni-formidad del hombre.Paula Lizeth Mora Castillo - 2010 - In Paulina Rivero Weber, Mora Castillo & Paula Lizeth (eds.), Implicaciones de la crisis de la razón en la enseñanza de la ética. México, D.F.: Editorial Itaca.
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    Aspectos críticos de las ciencias sociales: entre la realidad y la metafísica.Rodolfo Gaeta - 2007 - Ciudad de Buenos Aires: EUDEBA. Edited by Nélida Gentile & Susana Lucero.
  29.  27
    Ideology and neoclassical thought: Perfect competence as original myth.Manuel Antonio Jiménez-Castillo - 2016 - Cinta de Moebio 55:96-105.
    The purpose of this paper aims to unravel the ideological strategy that rises from the well-celebrated epistemic rigor of neoclassical economic thought. From the Economics Nobel Price Paul Krugman’s popularized connotation naming to "freshwater" economists as those fervent followers of the most orthodox academic creed, we will expose the logical inconsistency and empirical implausibility of such thought’s underlying assumptions: perfect competence and equilibrium’s approaching. From a critical analysis that will be conducted from each of those mentioned assumptions, we will argued (...)
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  30.  20
    La praxeología en los estudios del desarrollo (humano): lineamientos para una visión hegeliana.Manuel A. Jiménez-Castillo - 2020 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 60:327-350.
    Addressing the study of human action from Mises’s perspective of the praxeological method is in itself highly controversial. Particularly, if it attempts to identify the ultimate basis of human development, it will face unmanageable problems in analytical and normative terms. The incapability to withdraw from the socalled self-evident judgments comes together with the refusal of the elements that address its operability. Dependent of a soft well-being concept, it is unable to establish interpersonal comparisons, and this in turn frustrates any kind (...)
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  31.  20
    La suspensión ideológica del capitalismo en Žižek.Manuel A. Jiménez-Castillo - 2017 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 8 (2):135-156.
    El propósito de este trabajo se enmarca en la necesidad de esclarecer la naturaleza última del capitalismo que cristaliza ideológicamente desde las bases fecundas de la modernidad. Desde el examen crítico de los trabajos de S. Žižek realizaremos una introspección analítica que nos permita arrojar luz no solo a cómo el capitalismo configura la realidad de esta época sino al modo en que gestiona sus límites y fija su devenir. Se concluirá que el capitalismo lejos de ser el resultado político (...)
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    Distat enim qvae sydera te excipiant.Rodolfo Signorini - 1979 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 42 (1):273.
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    Hozi... Cadette il naso a Virgilio.Rodolfo Signorini - 1978 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 41 (1):320-321.
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    “Society is the present of teaching”: Teaching as a Phenomenon in Levinas's Unedited Lecture Notes.Katja Castillo - 2024 - Educational Theory 74 (4):572-586.
    In this paper, Katja Castillo approaches the phenomenon of teaching through an analysis of Emmanuel Levinas's unedited conference notes titled “Les nourritures,” “Les enseignements,” and “L'écrit et l'oral.” Levinas's thinking prior to the publication of his major works provides an entry point to his philosophy. In this light Castillo interprets his conference notes as laying the groundwork for the argument he develops later in Totality and Infinity. Drawing on the notes, she describes the phenomenon of teaching as a (...)
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  35. (1 other version)An axiomatic formulation of the Montevideo interpretation of quantum mechanics.Rodolfo Gambini, Luis Pedro García-Pintos & Jorge Pullin - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 42 (4):256-263.
    We make a first attempt to axiomatically formulate the Montevideo interpretation of quantum mechanics. In this interpretation environmental decoherence is supplemented with loss of coherence due to the use of realistic clocks to measure time to solve the measurement problem. The resulting formulation is framed entirely in terms of quantum objects without having to invoke the existence of measurable classical quantities like the time in ordinary quantum mechanics. The formulation eliminates any privileged role to the measurement process giving an objective (...)
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    The populist body in the age of social media: A comparative study of populist and non-populist representation.Rodolfo E. Colalongo & María Esperanza Casullo - 2022 - Thesis Eleven 173 (1):62-81.
    Populist representation is the process by which a body or set of bodies become the signifier of a powerful act of political transgression of the social order. We call this specific type of representative linkage ‘synecdochal representation’. In it, the leader’s body performs three key functions: it mirrors certain popular traits that are characterized as ‘low’, it displays marks of exceptionality, and it appropriates symbols of institutional power. These tasks are performed through particular ways of acting, dressing, talking, eating, and (...)
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  37.  18
    Indigenous and Popular Thinking in América.Rodolfo Kusch - 2010 - Duke University Press.
    Originally published in Mexico in 1970, _Indigenous and Popular Thinking in América _is the first book by the Argentine philosopher Rodolfo Kusch to be translated into English. At its core is a binary created by colonization and the devaluation of indigenous practices and cosmologies: an opposition between the technologies and rationalities of European modernity and the popular mode of thinking, which is deeply tied to Indian ways of knowing and being. Arguing that this binary cuts through América, Kusch seeks (...)
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    La encrucijada de la cooperación para el desarrollo. Apuestas por una epistemología crítica.Manuel Antonio Jiménez-Castillo - 2018 - Ideas Y Valores 67 (167):223-240.
    El sistema de Cooperación Internacional al Desarrollo es epistemológica y operativamente ajeno a la complejidad reinante en su mundo de actuación. Su tradición académica ha venido históricamente determinada por dos reacciones antitéticas. Porun lado, restringe la realidad a un principio universalista donde el desarrollo es interpretado apriorísticamente. Por el otro, se somete a un empirismo extremo donde superando el carácter especulativo del anterior, se incapacita para forjar una teoría sobre lo que realmente funciona. En uno y en otro, el fetichismo (...)
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    Empirismo construtivo e realismo ontológico.Rodolfo Petrônio Araújo - 2011 - Synesis 3 (2):88-116.
  40. Cornelius Castoriadis: psicanálise e democracia.Monique Castillo - 2022 - Dissertatio:51-63.
    Castoriadis praticou três ofícios: a economia, a psicanálise e a filosofia. A noção de significação religa esses três domínios: as significações associam o indivíduo à sociedade e sua história comum é feita por meio de sua atividade criadora recíproca e contínua. Atualmente, temos necessidade de dar novo impulso à noção de significação porque ela tornou-se matéria-prima na sociedade de comunicação, nos obrigando a repensar a economia, tanto quanto a educação e a política. A descoberta de Castoriadis é capital: ele compreendeu (...)
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    Conferencia el "humanismo integral" de Jacques Maritain: en el quincuagésimo aniversario de su publicación.Jaime Castillo Velasco - 1987 - Santiago, Chile: Instituto Chileno de Estudios Humanísticos.
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    El Antidarwinismo en Canarias: La obra de Rafael Lorenzo y García (1876-1877).Juan Francisco Martín del Castillo - 2005 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 22:247-268.
    One of the protagonists of the darwinist controversy in the Canary Islands (Spain), during the Nineteenth Century, was the advocate and teacher Rafael Lorenzo y García. In this paper, I show his original thought, until now unknown, against the classical darwinism and next to the fixism.Moreover I analyse the philosophical and natural constants in his Estudios filosóficos (1876 y 1877).
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  43. Estructura y contenido de la interpretación: una introducción a la teoría de la racionalidad de D. Davidson (II).Ramón del Castillo Santos - 1996 - Endoxa 6:133-166.
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    Discursos crítico-literarios en chile: Bello Y lastarria como "sujetos críticos adelantados".Darcie Doll Castillo - 2010 - Alpha (Osorno) 31:231-242.
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    Gender and Vulnerable Populations in Benefit Sharing: An Exploration of Conceptual and Contextual Points.Fatima Alvarez-Castillo, Julie Cook Lucas & Rosa Cordillera Castillo - 2009 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (2):130.
  46. Antecedentes neoplatonicos de San Augustin: de la retorica a la epoptica.P. Garcia Castillo - 1989 - Ciudad de Dios 202 (1):5-22.
  47. La tecnociencia y la educación: la problemática de su integración.Rodolfo Herrera Jiménez - 2009 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 47 (120):9-17.
    El autor trata en este artículo la problemática de la integración de la enseñanzadel conocimiento científico-tecnológico en la educación. Se analiza la forma de responder a las demandas por una “alfabetización científico- tecnológica”, que incluya la tecnología en los currículos educativos. El estudio propone fundamentar el diseño de los programas de estudio en base a un marco general para analizar la tecnología, sintetizado mediante los conceptos: práctica social, conocimiento y artefacto, enfoque que permite comprender el “fenómeno tecnológico” y el significado (...)
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  48. Of self and self awareness: The basic neuronal circuit in human consciousness and the generation of self.Rodolfo Llinas - 2008 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 15 (9):64-74.
    The fascination of Velasquez's painting Las Meninas stems largely from the ambiguous relationship between the painting as a whole, viewed by a single perceiver, and the variety of different perceptual viewpoints it invites. This situation resonates strongly with a central puzzle in the study of consciousness: the apparent unity of perceptual experience despite multiple sense modalities. Understanding more of this latter might help to explain the way we respond to the painting.
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    Platão: Cartas: Carta III.Rodolfo Lopes & Gabriele Cornelli - 2017 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 21:283-294.
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    Plato. Letters: Letter V.Rodolfo Lopes & Gabriele Cornelli - 2018 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 23:267-273.
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